It’s Monday afternoon and I am outside in the garden. It is after four and already you can feel the change in the day due to day light savings. Evening is calling sooner than it did a couple of days ago. I have soil and I have seeds and I combine the two hoping seedlings will emerge and come spring which feels a life time away, I will have plants. The air feels kind in the way that it always is in autumn. Soft and gentle. A wood piegons flaps in the clumsy yet graceful way that they do. A bell birds sings in a neighbours garden. The dogs snuffle about the place. A feeling on contement washes over me as I plant my seedlings and wishes for the spring to come. Some of the seeds I sow are seeds I collected from the garden. I hunt out things I enjoyed this season. Things that the bees enjoyed and scoop up the drying seeds. Again they are wishes and dreams to come. Hopefully. Gardening is always about hope.
‘Ert’ — a word that means the opposite of inertia, a purpose of sorts.
“Ert is that tiny spark within us that reaches out of the mess of daily life towards what is good, and towards what it is we most crave to be, do and love. “
Source: Phosphorerscence by Julia Baird
I make plans for the long weekend. I order plants. I order bulbs. I order pea straw. In my mind the days will be warm and my body will ache from a days full work in the garden. I imagine a hearty dinner and bath to follow, then bed with words to send me off to sleep. Who knows if it will unfold like this. More than likely it will be a snippets of gardening here and there. Hopefully my tasks will get done. If not that is ok. They will get done in their own good time. I hope you have deliciously plans for Easter.
As the day draws to a close I leave the curtains open for as long as possible. I want to know the nights better. I know that is an odd thing to say but I find myself in the evenings doing things. The dinner, walk the dogs, sort out something but I want to take a moment to just look at the sky. To look outward from my nightly routine. Take a moment for awe. See if there is stars. Hunt out the moon. Make myself feel small and embrace the part of being something bigger than myself and a to do list
Maybe over this long wkd I’ll find a few moments to write here Mel - enjoy your gardening tasks over Easter x
I felt I could see and smell and feel everything you were looking at as if with my own eyes and mind. we are in the same season and it is lovely to read and have that comparable moment in time. You’ve inspired my mind to write something too. With love, Lis x